Welcome to Perimenopause
The year I turned forty five, I was feeling fabulous. I remember buying a pair of short denim shorts and being comfortable in them (even the shorter length - read: out of my comfort zone).
The following year, these same denim shorts didn’t fit me. They were tight around the waist and T-shirts were tight around the upper arms. I had been practicing reformer yoga twice a week along with my regular time on the yoga mat and walks with the dog. I was feeling fit & healthy yet clothes in my cupboard weren’t fitting me anymore.
After spending the previous five years embracing my body completely, lovingly (for the first time in my life), I was disheartened and had to make a conscious choice not to get down about the changes in my body. I put it down to age & being a woman. I wasn’t at all thinking of ‘perimenopause’ at this stage.
Along with change in body shape, I noticed my skin thinning so when I would get a minor scratch while gardening (or from my overexcited pooch), it bled like an elderly person’s skin would, leaving little scars on my arms or legs.
The years of being forty six & forty seven were certainly challenging.
My mood changed so I was often feeling irritated, impatient with others (mostly loved ones) & angry. I was feeling tired A LOT of the time so I finally gave myself permission to rest more. Afternoon naps became a semi-regular thing and this helped me get through the days a little easier.
Towards the end of my forty-seventh year I began to feel even more fatigued. Sleep has never been great for me. I have often woken to go to the loo in the night but these wake ups became more frequent, and then not being able to get back to sleep added to my exhaustion. I would get back into bed, feel very awake and often become anxious - thinking about the day ahead & the overwhelming number of tasks I felt I had to complete. By 10 o’clock the next day I was ready to lay down again. In the afternoon I was so tired I wanted to cry.
My brain was mush. My memory seemingly had turned to dust. I found I needed to write everything down to remember the most simple tasks or even regular appointments.
Being a teacher, giving instructions & holding space for others, I couldn’t think straight, my guidance was ‘less than’ & this made me more anxious about upcoming classes, events & retreats I had planned. I was tired, stressed, worried, cranky & bummed out.
I started looking at the shelves in the chemist for a supplement, a quick fix, to make me feel better. The labels adorned with the word ‘Menopause” were plentiful but I wasn’t convinced this was the solution for me. I made an appointment with the GP and then cancelled, also knowing deep down I needed more specialised assistance (not just a quick 10 min consult)
I had already been listening & reading about perimenopause and found a local female doctor registered with the Australian, British & International Menopause Societies, guaranteeing 45 mins for the initial appointment. I knew I would have time to ask questions & be heard. I was eagerly anticipating this meeting.
I had to wait three weeks for my appointment but this gave me time to read, listen & research perimenopause even more. I wanted to show up feeling knowledgeable enough to actively participate in the consultation.
I learnt a lot about the role of estrogen, progesterone & testosterone; the way they affect the entire body & the effects of their decline as we age.
I knew that the decrease in these hormones was not only affecting my mental cognition and energy levels in the present but they would gravely affect my brain, bone & heart health in the future.
Aiming to live a long & healthy life, I wanted to thrive not feel as if I was barely surviving throughout the next (potentially) 10 years of perimenopause, and beyond into post menopausal life.
Seeing Dr Hilma was the game changer. We spent an hour together. I understood the information she was presenting to me, I asked loads of questions & I was in the driver’s seat making empowered choices for my body.
I began taking the Hormone Replacement Therapy medication.
Estradiol Gel & Progesterone Tablets daily.
The change in my brain function & energy levels was phenomenal.
I quickly began sleeping for seven solid hours each night which meant my brain was working better & I felt in control of my life again.
I continued to be active - yoga, walking, reformer pilates, intermittent fasting and without trying I began to lose weight. Less bloated. Some clothes that hadn’t fit, I could now wear again.
I chose not to just ‘suck it up’, push through or manage my symptoms.
I made choices not only for my present life experience but to also benefit the health of my future self.