Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Sound
6:00 PM18:00

Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Sound

Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Sound Healing

Join myself & Andrea Bruce for their Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Sound Healing event - combining a gentle and restful Yoga practice, with the healing energies of Reiki and Sound. 


Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held poses to deeply rest the physical body.

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your two qualified healers & guides, myself & Andrea, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually. 


During the practice, let the vibration of sound, from carefully selected instruments wash over you, allowing the body to settle into a deeper state of rest.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you. 


Restorative Yoga - This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body. By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you may reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within. Bolsters and props are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible. 


Reiki Healing - Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness. When receiving Reiki you may experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to help your body improve the flow and restore the balance of your energy system.


Sound Healing - is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body & mind.


Bookings essential, please bring along your Yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing.

You may also like to bring a blanket, cushion & eye pillow for extra comfort.

Your investment: $69

*Numbers limited to create an intimate space

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Yoga for Menopause One Day Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Yoga for Menopause One Day Workshop

You can choose to THRIVE rather than merely survive this season of your life!

This workshop is for women who are in:

The Late Reproductive Stage (still menstruating; interested in a more easeful transition)
Perimenopause (experiencing changes & navigating symptoms)
Post Menopause (choosing to thrive in their ‘Second Spring’)

A chance to pause, gain understanding, find clarity and feel empowered as together we explore practical techniques for creating a positive menopause transition.

You are invited into this welcoming, nurturing, safe space where

information can be shared
questions can be asked
self inquiry is encouraged
helpful processes & tools are explored

The intention of this workshop is to bring women together to normalise these incredible changes in which we all experience.
With greater understanding & knowledge about the transitions our body moves through, we can make informed choices to ensure we thrive into the next season of our life.

Almost all of the symptoms we experience are unseen therefore the incredible impact they have on our daily life is often dismissed.

What you will gain from this workshop:

Ease aches & pains
Regulate the nervous system
Tools & techniques to practice at home
Connection with other women
Rest & indulgence in self care
Confidence to navigate this season of your life

Your investment includes a delicious, vegan lunch & drink plus a take home information booklet

Numbers are limited

Your investment: $160
Prana Wellness Hub Members Discount Available: $145

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Yoga & Meditation Retreat (waitlist available)
to Jun 14

Yoga & Meditation Retreat (waitlist available)

Be held within this sacred space, in the heart of Bali, for a week to re-set, re-balance and re-connect with the truest essence of You.

REVIVE your soul - through twice daily practices
RELAX in your surrounds - embrace the time to slow down & just Be REMEMBER who you are without the roles & responsibilties in life RESET your intentions to live your most wholehearted & authentic life when you return home

This retreat is a PERFECT blend of diving deep into your practice & enjoying a holiday in fabulous Ubud, Bali.

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Journey to Bliss Retreat
to Jun 28

Journey to Bliss Retreat

  • Ubud Bali Indonesia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

To Thrive in this One Life

rather than merely surviving, we must peel away the layers and get in touch with our highest sense of Self, our strongest sense of character, and who we are at our core

Conditioning, our environment, old stories, negative self talk, toxic relationships can all add to how we view our Self in the present, yet we have the ability to consciously choose how to experience this one life.

Yoga strips away the layers of illusion that cloud our perception of reality

Use your practice to peel back these layers after layers and reveal what is always there, always present, waiting patiently to be discovered.

Spend a week meeting yourself, in this particular season of your life, and choose to live a life with purpose.

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VIC: Yoga for Menopause One Day Workshop
to Aug 31

VIC: Yoga for Menopause One Day Workshop


You can choose to THRIVE rather than merely survive this season of  your life!

This workshop is for women who are in:

The Late Reproductive Stage (still menstruating; interested in a more easeful transition)
Perimenopause (experiencing changes & navigating symptoms)
Post Menopause (choosing to thrive in their ‘Second Spring’)

A chance to pause, gain understanding, find clarity and feel empowered as together we explore practical techniques for creating a positive menopause transition.

You are invited into this welcoming, nurturing, safe space where

information can be shared
questions can be asked
self inquiry is encouraged
helpful processes & tools are explored

The intention of this workshop is to bring women together to normalise these incredible changes in which we all experience.

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Women's Calm Living Retreat
to Oct 19

Women's Calm Living Retreat

Step into a world of tropical bliss where the symphony of bird songs fill the air,

the crispness of the atmosphere rejuvenates your senses and the breath taking green landscape

transports you to a whole new realm of tranquility.

Explore practices that increase your ability to be more mindful, present, content and joyful - practices that you can easily implement in to your life when returning home.

Spend six nights, with six other like minded women, in a private boutique resort in the heart of Bali.

Rest into this peaceful, safe & comfortable environment to begin, or re-ignite, your Mindfulness Meditation practice.

Whether you are new to meditation, have dipped your toe in previously or are an experienced practitioner, you can rest assured this week will be a container for you to connect with the deepest elements of your Self.


  • you feel exhausted/overwhelmed

  • you are craving silence

  • you can’t find time to do less

  • your health isn’t so great

  • you don’t feel as vibrant as you would like

  • you feel ‘stuck’ in life

  • you’re great at caring for others but need help putting yourself first

  • you know the value of spending time with other women

  • something in your life needs to change

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Women's Chakra Yoga Retreat
to Mar 22

Women's Chakra Yoga Retreat

  • Koh Samui Thailand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


“Understanding the subtle body & the chakra system gives us a vehicle through which we can learn to discharge blocked energy, process emotions, change our personal narratives, and let go of embodied patterns that keep us stuck, shut down, and resistant to growth.” 

 You are invited to integrate ALL aspects of yourself & come to understand how, ultimately, our life experiences are opportunities for wisdom, growth, and spiritual maturation.

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Restorative Yoga + Reiki
3:00 PM15:00

Restorative Yoga + Reiki

This afternoon of Restorative & Reiki combines healing practices for a truly unique experience that will help restore balance & increase feelings of peace and calm throughout the mind, body, and spirit. 

“I left feeling so relaxed and happy. Over the past few days I have felt more joyful and present than I have for a long while. Looking forward to the next one.”

Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held, comfortable poses to deeply rest the physical body. 

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your qualified healer & guide, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you.

“ I enjoyed the two hours and couldn’t believe how quickly the time went. I appreciated the assistance with blankets and props.”

Restorative Yoga

This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body.  By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within.

Bolsters and blocks are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible.


 Reiki Healing

Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness.  When receiving Reiki you will experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to your body improving the flow and restoring the balance of your energy system,


 “It was such a restful experience- I felt more rested than I do after a nap! You went above and beyond what I was expecting.”

  • Blocks & bolsters provided

  • BYO yoga mat & for extra comfort:

  • an eye pillow, cushion, blanket, layered clothing

Numbers limited - Bookings Essential

Investment in Wellbeing:  only $56

Prana Wellness Hub Member : 20% Discount

Sunday 12th January 3pm - 5pm

“Oh my goodness.. ABSOLUTELY DIVINE. A truly beautiful, restful experience!!!”

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Restorative Yoga + Reiki
3:00 PM15:00

Restorative Yoga + Reiki

This afternoon of Restorative & Reiki combines healing practices for a truly unique experience that will help restore balance & increase feelings of peace and calm throughout the mind, body, and spirit. 

“I left feeling so relaxed and happy. Over the past few days I have felt more joyful and present than I have for a long while. Looking forward to the next one.”

Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held, comfortable poses to deeply rest the physical body. 

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your qualified healer & guide, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you.

“ I enjoyed the two hours and couldn’t believe how quickly the time went. I appreciated the assistance with blankets and props.”

Restorative Yoga

This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body.  By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within.

Bolsters and blocks are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible.


 Reiki Healing

Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness.  When receiving Reiki you will experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to your body improving the flow and restoring the balance of your energy system,


 “It was such a restful experience- I felt more rested than I do after a nap! You went above and beyond what I was expecting.”

  • Blocks & bolsters provided

  • BYO yoga mat & for extra comfort:

  • an eye pillow, cushion, blanket, layered clothing

Numbers limited - Bookings Essential

Investment in Wellbeing:  only $56

Prana Wellness Hub Member : 20% Discount

Sunday 12th January 3pm - 5pm

“Oh my goodness.. ABSOLUTELY DIVINE. A truly beautiful, restful experience!!!”

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Restorative Yoga, Reiki + Sound
6:00 PM18:00

Restorative Yoga, Reiki + Sound

Join myself and fellow yoga teacher & reiki healer, Andrea Bruce for an evening of bliss..

Take this valuable opportunity to restore & reserve your own energy so that you can continue to share joyfully & lovingly as the festive seasons nears.

You are invited to step back from the fullness of life, to-do lists, roles & responsibilities and unwind to replenish.

Drop into a deep state of physical, mental, emotional & energetic rest through restorative yoga, individual reiki offerings and healing sounds.

These practices are suitable for every body.  

Bolsters, blankets & cushions will support the body to facilitate deep physical rest.  

Reiki energy will cleanse & balance the subtle energetic layer.

Healing sounds will harmonise the soul’s natural vibrations.


No previous experience is necessary.  All are so welcome to join.

Your investment in Self Care - $ 69       

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Calm Living Retreat SOLD OUT
to Oct 27

Calm Living Retreat SOLD OUT

  • Ubud Bali Indonesia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore practices that increase your ability to be more mindful, present, content and joyful - practices that you can easily implement in to your life when returning home.

Spend six nights, with six other like minded women, in a private boutique resort in the heart of Bali.

Rest into this peaceful, safe & comfortable environment to begin, or re-ignite, your Mindfulness Meditation practice.

Whether you are new to meditation, have dipped your toe in previously or are an experienced practitioner, you can rest assured this week will be a container for you to connect with the deepest elements of your Self.

Your guide, Amber Knight, is a qualified Calm Living Mindfulness Meditation teacher with over 14 years of experience sharing the limbs of yoga & holding space for women.

“Amber is an outstanding space holder and I am looking up to her for the way she intentionally chooses to live this life.”

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Wholesome Flow (non heated)
10:00 AM10:00

Wholesome Flow (non heated)

How good is a two hour practice?!

You may have even enjoyed them on a recent retreate & now you can dive in again…

Join me for a Wholesome Yoga immersion - a complete practice including pranayama - asana - savasana & guided meditation

This is a non heated practiced at The Hot Yoga Room, Mooloolaba - so wearing layers is suggest

When you immerse yourself in the a longer practice, you begin to shed away the layers of dis-ease & dis-comfort within the body and mind.

Re-discover who you are when you put aside your roles & responsibilities in life and come home to yourself

Suitable for all levels of experience.

It is advised to finish eating 2hrs prior to our start time

Please BYO mat

Your investment in this 120mins - $55

The Hot Yoga Room members $50 - please use this link

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Elevate - Monthly Breathwork
6:00 PM18:00

Elevate - Monthly Breathwork

The breath is a powerful tool to keep you grounded and connected in your physical body as you navigate through the shifts, challenges and changes of life.

It also helps quiet your mind, connect with your body and heart, release stuck energy & emotions, dissolve stress & anxiety, and experience deeper levels of spiritual connection.

Each month explore traditional pranayama (breath) practices and improve your overall mental & physical health & well being.

Techniques explored throughout the 60 min range from passive to more dynamic, options provided to suit all practitioners.

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Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing
3:00 PM15:00

Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing

This afternoon of Restorative & Reiki combines healing practices for a truly unique experience that will help restore balance & increase feelings of peace and calm throughout the mind, body, and spirit. 

“I left feeling so relaxed and happy. Over the past few days I have felt more joyful and present than I have for a long while. Looking forward to the next one.”

Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held, comfortable poses to deeply rest the physical body. 

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your qualified healer & guide, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you.

“ I enjoyed the two hours and couldn’t believe how quickly the time went. I appreciated the assistance with blankets and props.”

Restorative Yoga

This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body.  By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within.

Bolsters and blocks are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible.


 Reiki Healing

Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness.  When receiving Reiki you will experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to your body improving the flow and restoring the balance of your energy system,


 “It was such a restful experience- I felt more rested than I do after a nap! You went above and beyond what I was expecting.”

Numbers limited - Bookings Essential

Investment in Wellbeing: only $55

Sunday 21st April 3pm - 5pm

“Oh my goodness.. ABSOLUTELY DIVINE. A truly beautiful, restful experience!!!”

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Sound & Stillness Immersion
2:30 PM14:30

Sound & Stillness Immersion

Step away for the afternoon to experience deep relaxation of the body & balancing of the energetic system.

Immerse yourself in a Restorative Yoga practice and Healing Sounds to relax & release stress, anxiety, overwhelm or other concerns.

Be supported by bolsters and blocks so that you can surrender physical effort and deeply settle the mind into a state of ‘being’.  

Allow the vibration of the sounds to infuse your energetic body, unblocking, balancing, aligning, synchronising and expanding the natural circular movement of your energy field.

An incredibly gentle practice - suitable for every body.

No previous experience necessary.

Bolsters & blocks provided

BYO mat if you have one (some available to borrow)

Extras may include eye pillow, cushion, blanket

  • Numbers limited

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Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Sound Healing
6:00 PM18:00

Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Sound Healing

Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Sound Healing

Join myself & Andrea Bruce for their Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Sound Healing event - combining a gentle and restful Yoga practice, with the healing energies of Reiki and Sound. 


Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held poses to deeply rest the physical body.

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your two qualified healers & guides, myself & Andrea, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually. 


During the practice, let the vibration of sound, from carefully selected instruments wash over you, allowing the body to settle into a deeper state of rest.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you. 


Restorative Yoga - This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body. By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you may reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within. Bolsters and props are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible. 


Reiki Healing - Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness. When receiving Reiki you may experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to help your body improve the flow and restore the balance of your energy system.


Sound Healing - is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body & mind.


Bookings essential, please bring along your Yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing.

You may also like to bring a blanket, cushion & eye pillow for extra c0mfort.

Your investment: $69

*Numbers limited to create an intimate space

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NE Victoria Visit - Weekend Yoga
to Feb 4

NE Victoria Visit - Weekend Yoga

An opportunity to unite through these beautfiul practices over a weekend visit in NE Victoria

Saturday 3rd Feb 3pm - 6pm Chakra Vinyasa: asana, pranayama, meditation, yoga nidra - a carefully curated practice to harmonise your energetic system

Sunday 4th Feb 9am - 11am Cultivate Calm: slow flow & guided meditation to return your to the calm essence within

Optional Indian Community Dinner on Saturday evening, following the practice.

Book for both offerings, and save or come along to the one that you can!

Located in the Tawonga Community Centre, Tawonga, Victoria.

All so welcome xx

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Clear Vision Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Clear Vision Workshop




I believe that we can THRIVE in this one life rather than feeling as if we are barely surviving

I believe that we can choose to live a life that lights us up, brings us joy, most of the time.

I believe in intentional living, the power of manifestation, vision boards & creating our own realit

This CLEAR VISION workshop will give you the space you need to define & visualise your dreams and create a Vision Board that will attract your ideal outcomes!

You will have the valuable time and space you need to think about where you are going and where you would like to be.

Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, do or have in our lives. But they remain just that: fleeting. After all, who has the time to intentionally get clear about what they want to create?

People like Ellen Degeneres, Oprah and even Beyonce swear that they intentionally create outcomes by using a simple tool: VISION BOARDS

Vision Boards are a way to visually see your ideas, anchor to your dreams and to allow the energy of manifestation to work in your life.

As someone who has made my own Vision Boards for many years (and manifested some amazing results!)I've learnt it is more than just gluing a picture onto a piece of paper.

It is about first getting clear on your MOST DESIRED, AUTHENTIC LIFE, letting go of what's in the way, then clearly connecting with your dreams while designing a vision that calls to you.

This half day immersion is a sacred space to get clear about what you would like to invite more of into your life. 

If you are willing, you will see exciting results!

Visualisation is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do. 

What we focus on expands so when you create a vision board and place it in a space where you see it often, you essentially end up doing short visualisation exercises every single day!

In this half day workshop, we will be 

  • getting clear on our future life (what’s not currently working & what you want to invite into your life)

  • creating our own vision boards 

  • manifesting a reality you are excited to wake to each day!

  • The investment in your Self, and your future, is only $110 - early bird price until 31/12 (then $125)

How the day will unfold:

Connection to Self through mindful movement & breath awareness

Journalling prompts to limber up your soul

Guided meditation & visualisations

Time to create your vision board

Delicious, vegan & gluten free treat & herbal teas

Here is what you will come for:

  • Mindful movement, easy breathing

  • Meditation to find clarity

  • Time to reflect

  • Space to create

  • A clearer vision of your future

  • Delicious food to nourish your day

Here is what you will leave with:

  • A greater connection with your deepest desires

  • Clarity on what you really want

  • A balanced energetic state

  • Tools to manifest your dreams

  • Your vision board to effortlessly attract your ideal outcomes 

  • A full heart

What is provided:

  • Delicious, vegan & gluten free afternoon tea, fruit & herbal teas

  • All materials for creating - if you have particular images/quotes/drawing/writing tools you would like to bring/use please feel free

  • A workbook to manifest & get a clearer picture of your future

This day is suitable for all women.

No previous yoga experience required. The yoga practices will simply be used to move out of your thinking mind and into being able to listen to your heart, it is not the focus of our day.

Please BYO 

  • yoga mat

  • a cushion if you like to sit more comfortably

  • water bottle

  • any quotes, affirmations, images that you would like to add to your creation

Yoga mats, blocks & bolsters are available to use if needed

Please note cancellations a week prior to the event will include a $5 fee

No refunds for cancellations seven days prior the event. However you may transfer your booking to another women on our waitlist or that you know would benefit from attending

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End of Year Energy Restore
2:30 PM14:30

End of Year Energy Restore

December is the time of giving, of sharing your time & energy with family & friends.

It’s also the time to be mindful of restoring & reserving our own energy so that you can continue to share joyfully & lovingly.

You are invited to step back from the fullness of life, to-do lists, roles & responsibilities and unwind to replenish with myself & Abbi of   Sunshine Coast Reiki

Drop into a deep state of physical, mental, emotional & energetic rest through a carefully curated shared experience that includes:

- Blue Lotus Tea (a deeply relaxing herbal tonic)

- Gentle & Restorative Yoga 

- Gentle Yogic Breathwork

- Guided Meditation 

- Sacred Sounds

- 1:1 Reiki Healing

These practices are suitable for every body, no previous experience is necessary. All are so welcome to join.

- Bolsters, blankets & cushions will support the body to facilitate deep physical rest.

- Guided meditation will lead the mind back to its natural calm state. 

- Reiki energy will cleanse & balance the subtle energetic body.

The end result - all tension melted away, body deeply relaxed, mind blissfully quiet and an overall feeling of lightness that you can carry into your life in the weeks to come.

Gift yourself (or someone you know needs this!) two hours of bliss for only $59. 

This Early Bird price expires 26/11.

Limited spaces available so book now to secure your place.

Important Details:

Location: Upper Level on Allen, 34 Allen St, Moffat Beach

Date: Sunday 10th December, 2.15pm arrival for a 2.30pm start, 4.30pm finish.

Bring: Yoga Mat, any props - pillows, blankets etc to make yourself comfortable (bolsters are provided but if you have your own feel free to bring), water bottle.

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Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing
6:00 PM18:00

Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing

This Restorative & Reiki workshop combines both healing practices for a truly unique practice that will help restore balance, peace, and calm to the mind, body, and spirit. 


“ Thank you for holding the event. I left feeling so relaxed and happy. Over the past few days I have felt more joyful and present than I have a long while. Looking forward to the next one.”

Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held poses to deeply rest the physical body. 

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your two qualified healers & guides, Andrea Bruce & Amber Knight, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you.

“ I enjoyed the two hours and couldn’t believe how quickly the time went. I appreciated the assistance when poses were challenging and helping with blankets and props.”

Restorative Yoga

This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body.  By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within.

Bolsters and props are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible.



Reiki Healing

Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness.  When receiving Reiki you will experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to your body improving the flow and restoring the balance of your energy system,


 “It was such a restful experience- I felt more rested than I do after a nap! I thought you went above and beyond what I was expecting.”

Friday 24th November 6pm - 8pm 

Head Massages also gifted *

“Oh my goodness.. Friday evening was ABSOLUTELY DIVINE. A truly beautiful, restful experience!!!”

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Yoga Bliss Out
4:30 PM16:30

Yoga Bliss Out

Be cocooned in sacred space within a beautiful dome surrounded by the open sky & sounds of nature as your soundtrack!

A Yoga Bliss Out evening is longer than a regular class to allow you to restore the body and soothe the mind.

We will explore a (very) gentle yoga practice followed by restorative yoga poses (think yummy bolsters & blankets) along with a guided yoga nidra to move you into a deep state of relaxation.

“It was beautiful. I slept like a baby!”

Through connecting breath & movement, you will improve your flexibility, move stagnant energy and cultivate a mind-body connection that will deepen your sense of inner calm.

Think of it like getting a massage regularly…

 An evening of Yoga Bliss Out will help you re-set the nervous system and the harmonious state will often be felt for many days following.

“Thank you. It was truly divine!”

An evening of Yoga Bliss Out will help to combat the physical and mental effects of everyday stress, and ease common ailments such as headaches, backaches, anxiety, and insomnia with the use of gentle, restful poses and calming, breathing techniques.

Absolutely no previous experience is required.  Yoga mats, blankets & bolsters are provided but feel free to BYO an extra cushion/eye pillow.

The Dome location will be provided on booking confirmation. Please note there are just 10 spots available for this event.

** Please note: NO REFUNDS for CANCELLATIONS however your spot may be transferred to another being if necessary

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2:30 PM14:30


Prana Wellness Hub - Sunday Session - Yin/Yang Fusion


Explore both the yin + yang aspects of yoga in a well-rounded and thoughtful practice suitable for all levels of experience.

You know the benefits of a 60 min yoga class, so imagine stepping away from the fullness of your life for a whole afternoon to move, breathe, rest, nourish & balance your body, mind & soul.

Explore various breathing (pranayama) practices to enhance energy in the body & calm the mind.

Move through asanas to awaken yang energy before pausing in yin poses to connect to your most harmonious state

To conclude, be guided into deep soul rest (yoga nidra) and enjoy afternoon tea with your fellow yogis

Sunday 8th October

2:30pm - 5:00pm

Your investment includes tea & and a vegan snack


BYO mat if possible.

Yoga blocks & cushions provided.

Numbers limited


If for some unfortunate reason you need to cancel your booking, a refund will be issued inclusive of a $5 fee.

7 days prior to the event - No Refunds, however your spot may be transferred to another person. Please provide their name & email to Prana Wellness Hub

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Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing
6:00 PM18:00

Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing

This Restorative & Reiki workshop combines both healing practices for a truly unique practice that will help restore balance, peace, and calm to the mind, body, and spirit. 

** EARLY BIRD PRICE ** $69 from 5th September: $79

“ Thank you for holding the event. I left feeling so relaxed and happy. Over the past few days I have felt more joyful and present than I have a long while. Looking forward to the next one.”

Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held poses to deeply rest the physical body. 

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your two qualified healers & guides, Andrea Bruce & Amber Knight, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you.

“ I enjoyed the two hours and couldn’t believe how quickly the time went. I appreciated the assistance when poses were challenging and helping with blankets and props.”

Restorative Yoga

This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body.  By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within.

Bolsters and props are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible.



Reiki Healing

Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness.  When receiving Reiki you will experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to your body improving the flow and restoring the balance of your energy system,


 “It was such a restful experience- I felt more rested than I do after a nap! I thought you went above and beyond what I was expecting.”

Friday 15th September 6pm - 8pm 

Head Massages also gifted *

“Oh my goodness.. Friday evening was ABSOLUTELY DIVINE. A truly beautiful, restful experience!!!”

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Spring One Day Immersion
9:00 AM09:00

Spring One Day Immersion

Plant seeds of Intention

Witness Yourself Blossom

SUNDAY 10th SEPTEMBER 2023 9:00am - 4:00pm @ Chevallum Sunshine Coast

Spend an entire day immersed in the practices of pranayama (breath), asanas (poses), guided meditation, reflection and contemplation to begin planting new seeds for your desired future.

Don’t you want to thrive…rather than just survive in this one life?

In the Springtime, aspects of ourselves that have been dormant begin to awaken.

But just as nature enters a cycle of renewal, growth and expansion - so does the energy within us.

On this day step back from being daughter, mother, partner, wife, sibling, sister, friend..and witness the truest essence of You.

Nourishing your body, mind and spirit will create space for you to consider how you would most like to continue showing up in this world. 

This immersion invites all women to come together within a beautiful dome and its surroundings to be uplifted by a shared intention to thrive!

All levels of yoga experience are most welcome. 

What to Expect:

  • Exploration of various breathwork practices (passive to more active)

  • Morning & afternoon expertly created yoga practices to suit all bodies & levels of experience

  • Guided meditation to enhance clarity & lower the nervous system

  • Fire ceremony to release all that holds you back from your full potential

  • Opportunity to set new intentions for your bright future

  • Delicious, healthy vegan food

  • Friendly conversation

  • Space to rest and re-set your energy 

Yoga mats, blankets and bolsters are provided but please BYO anything to make your day most comfortable such as:

  • An eye pillow

  • Extra layer of clothing

  • A hat if sitting outdoors for lunch

  • Drink bottle

Past Retreat Love:

“Amber’s joyful, passionate, inclusive, playful, challenging teaching style offers everyone a space to learn, to grow, to be accepted & to come away with new skills, new intentions, connections & friendships & the desire to find more of these things in their daily lives”

“ The yoga was masterfully led, you created a beautiful space in which I connected wiht my body, listened to my heart & enjoyed mindful, blissful moments”

“ Amber has a very special way with words that really allows you to sink deeper into your personal practice”

 “Thank you for a beautiful, nurturing day. I loved every part of it!”

 “I had a beautiful day. I really appreciated the thoughtful touches and the warmth the day exuded.”

You Will

  • enjoy moving and connecting with your body

  • clear stuck energy

  • alter your state to allow for more positivity and possibility

  • deeply rest your body, mind and soul

….all while immersed within the beautiful forest of the Sunshine Coast hinterland….

Our setting for this one day retreat is within the beautiful dome at
The Moonshine Farm, Chevallum.

The exact address will be provided on booking. Please note that this is a private property so the privacy of the address is appreciated.

Set within 40 acres of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, the dome has both cooling and heating facilities and a spacious area to step outside and enjoy the spring day.

Forest bathing or the practice of shinrin-yoku has been found to lower blood pressure, heart rate, and levels of harmful hormones — like cortisol, which your body produces when it’s stressed. Studies have actually found that simply spending 10 to 20 minutes a day outdoors can lead to increased well-being and happiness — and decreased amounts of stress - imagine how you will feel after a whole day of absorbing the positive vibes from the lushness all around us!

Would highly recommend your retreat days to anyone that is even a little bit into Yoga.   A beautiful beautiful day was had.  Thank you Amber for sharing this experience with us all.”

This day is suitable for all practitioners of yoga, breath and meditation.

Options are available for beginners and intermediate students.

When booking please advise of any dietary requirements and any contraindications that may be relevant for yoga and breath practices.

“Another wonderful day Amber. I wish it was a sleepover event, the day went so quickly.”

Your investment in your self care is only EARLY BIRD $155 (book by 31st July 2023)

or $195 after…

* please note numbers are limited *

All bookings via this link:

Book Me In

Please contact me if you have any questions

 “Thank you Amber for a beautiful experience today. I am always richer of heart and soul for having been to one of your retreats.”

Cancellation Policy

No one books a retreat with the intention of later cancelling, so the policy is in place to help us work together, sharing expenses that may arise from unexpected cancellations.

Cancellation requests submitted prior to 45 days will be refunded. Cancellation within 45 days of retreat date, 50% of total amount will be refunded.

Within 14 days of your retreat: sorry but no refunds given, no exceptions.

However if you are needing to, your booking can be transferable to another attendee found and assigned by original attendee. I will also have a waiting list of willing guests to help you find someone.

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Relax & Reset
4:00 PM16:00

Relax & Reset

Step away from the busyness of modern life and practice mindfulness through a gentle yoga flow & awareness of your breath.

Explore various pranayama techniques, be guided through meditation and conclude the evening with yoga nidra.

Often our body is willing to pause but our mind struggles to even slow down.

Dedicate this evening to both your physical and mental health.

Marinate in the warmth of the studio. Abide in the calmness of your mind.

Suitable for all bodies, all levels of experience.

*studio warmed to 32 degrees

Members of The Hot Yoga Room - $40


Non-members - $45

Bookings essential

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Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing
6:00 PM18:00

Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing

This Restorative & Reiki workshop combines both healing practices for a truly unique practice that will help restore balance, peace, and calm to the mind, body, and spirit. 

“ Thank you for holding the event. I left feeling so relaxed and happy. Over the past few days I have felt more joyful and present than I have a long while. Looking forward to the next one.”

Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held poses to deeply rest the physical body. 

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your two qualified healers & guides, Andrea Bruce & Amber Knight, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you.

“ I enjoyed the two hours and couldn’t believe how quickly the time went. I appreciated the assistance when poses were challenging and helping with blankets and props.”

Restorative Yoga

This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body.  By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within.

Bolsters and props are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible.



Reiki Healing

Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness.  When receiving Reiki you will experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to your body improving the flow and restoring the balance of your energy system,


 “It was such a restful experience- I felt more rested than I do after a nap! I thought you went above and beyond what I was expecting.”

Friday 14th July 6pm - 8pm 

  • Indian Head Massages also gifted *

“Oh my goodness.. Friday evening was ABSOLUTELY DIVINE. A truly beautiful, restful experience!!!”

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World Yoga Day Online
5:30 PM17:30

World Yoga Day Online

Connect & Celebrate with your fellow Yoga Lovers on World Yoga Day!

Gentle, seated flow to open the body (you can even sit on your bed!)
Mindful breathing
Guided Meditation

Let's raise the vibration and create more positive energy through this incredible practice of yoga!

Love to see the faces of my tribe from all corners of the country!

....and new friends are so welcome to share this space!!

This is FREE and you don't need to pay for Zoom, just login to the meeting below!

Zoom meeting:

Topic: World Yoga Day
Time: Jun 21, 2023 05:30 PM AEST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 7701 6849
Passcode: 902503

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Yoga Bliss Out
4:30 PM16:30

Yoga Bliss Out

Be cocooned in sacred space within a beautiful dome surrounded by the open sky & sounds of nature as your soundtrack!

A Yoga Bliss Out evening is longer than a regular class to allow you to restore the body and soothe the mind.

We will explore a (very) gentle yoga practice followed by restorative yoga poses (think yummy bolsters & blankets) along with a guided yoga nidra to move you into a deep state of relaxation.

“It was beautiful. I slept like a baby!”

Through connecting breath & movement, you will improve your flexibility, move stagnant energy and cultivate a mind-body connection that will deepen your sense of inner calm.

Think of it like getting a massage regularly…

 An evening of Yoga Bliss Out will help you re-set the nervous system and the harmonious state will often be felt for many days following.

“Thank you. It was truly divine!”

An evening of Yoga Bliss Out will help to combat the physical and mental effects of everyday stress, and ease common ailments such as headaches, backaches, anxiety, and insomnia with the use of gentle, restful poses and calming, breathing techniques.

Absolutely no previous experience is required.  Yoga mats, blankets & bolsters are provided but feel free to BYO an extra cushion/eye pillow.

The Dome location will be provided on booking confirmation. Please note there are just 10 spots available for this event.

** Please note: NO REFUNDS for CANCELLATIONS however your spot may be transferred to another being if necessary

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2023 Bali Yoga & Meditation Retreat
to May 20

2023 Bali Yoga & Meditation Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

This is the next offering of this incredible week in Ubud - is now FULL

Stay tuned for the 2024 offering

“This was such an incredible experience and a valuable gift. I went on this yoga retreat and had not done yoga before.  It was so therapeutic to take time out for myself and step out of what can often feel like the relentless busyness of working/family life. I can highly recommended every part of this to reboot. Amber is a wonderful teacher and I felt enlivened by every moment of this retreat.”

14th - 20th May 2023

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Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing
6:00 PM18:00

Restorative Yoga + Reiki Healing

This Restorative & Reiki workshop combines both healing practices for a truly unique practice that will help restore balance, peace, and calm to the mind, body, and spirit. 

“ Thank you for holding the event. I left feeling so relaxed and happy. Over the past few days I have felt more joyful and present than I have a long while. Looking forward to the next one.”

Over two hours, you will be expertly guided into supported, long held poses to deeply rest the physical body. 

Your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated so you can drop into a blissful, relaxed emotional & mental state.

Whilst in this restful state, Reiki will be offered by your two qualified healers & guides, Andrea Bruce & Amber Knight, leaving you feeling more balanced, calm & clear - emotionally, physically & spiritually.


* Reiki can be offered to you by either hands on specific parts of the body or slightly above the body, to deliver the tranquil healing Reiki energy to you.

“ I enjoyed the two hours and couldn’t believe how quickly the time went. I appreciated the assistance when poses were challenging and helping with blankets and props.”

Restorative Yoga

This form of yoga consists of supported poses that lead to deep relaxation throughout the body.  By relaxing deeply into each of the poses you reduce stress, increase digestion, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and restore the body deep from within.

Bolsters and props are used to hold the body as comfortably as possible.



Reiki Healing

Reiki is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Life Energy that flows through all of us. When blockages occur, it can disrupt the flow of life energy which can create physical, mental and emotional illness.  When receiving Reiki you will experience feelings of relaxation, reduced stress & anxiety through gentle touch, as your reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy or (chi) to your body improving the flow and restoring the balance of your energy system,


 “It was such a restful experience- I felt more rested than I do after a nap! I thought you went above and beyond what I was expecting.”

Friday 21st April 6pm - 8pm 

“Oh my goodness.. Friday evening was ABSOLUTELY DIVINE. A truly beautiful, restful experience!!!”

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2023 Thailand Yoga Retreat
to Mar 26

2023 Thailand Yoga Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

Radiance Yoga & Meditation Retreat 

Koh Samui, Thailand

Expand, Blossom & Radiate at Vikasa Yoga Retreat, Koh Samui Thailand

“Step forward into growth, or step back into safety” - Abraham Maslow

Join Creative Vinyasa Yoga and meditation teacher, Amber Knight on the island of Koh Samui for a week in March 2022.

We will spend a week together at Vikasa - a breathtaking venue purpose built for yogis.

This incredible cliff top setting will be your home to expand your meditation & yoga practice, allow your heart to radiate & feel yourself blossom into your most desired form of living. 

Each day you will be invited to show up to your Self and embrace yourself Just As You Are.  

This is one transformational week and you are guaranteed that you will not be the same person going home as when you arrived. 

A renewed sense of Self is your take home gift.

Each morning will begin with meditation overlooking the sea. These sessions offer you a variety of tools to make your meditation practice easier, accessible and enjoyable.

It’s the best way to start the day!

Immerse yourself in a variety of morning and afternoon vinyasa flow practices, yin and restorative yoga to balance the body’s energies throughout the week. You can decide to attend all classes or miss a few if your body is needing something else.

Woven within each yoga practice is inspiration to discover your most desired feelings to enable you to take the week long, transformational practices with you back into your daily life, on returning home.

Live your yoga off the mat!

This retreat is suitable for all levels of experience - none to advanced.  Variations of postures will be offered to ensure each student is able to make the practice unique to their body, and their needs. 

“Love Amber's classes, I always come away feeling re-balanced & energised. Every class is different, with options for experience levels. Amber's teaching style allows students of all levels to build knowledge, skills & explore the gift of yoga.”

Step onto paradise and let your Soul be nourished by the sound of the sea, organic food, sound baths, spa treatments and the heart warming welcome of the Thai locals and staff at Vikasa.

Find secluded spots for private meditation, laze by the infinity pool, enjoy long brunches with incredible views, be empowered by the choice of how you wish to spend your time…

Please note, due to the cliff side location there are quite a few steps to walk each day around and through the resort.


  • Lodging

    Pick from one of the very beautiful and unique room types at the stunning Vikasa Resort. Whether you want ocean views, or a cozy bungalow, there is a room that you will love, for all budgets. The Yoga Caves are the lowest priced rooms - single occupancy, basic accommodation, shared bathroom, amazing views. Great option for those who want to keep it simple. All other rooms have their own bathroom. 

While this yoga retreat is by no means a five star resort, is by no means pretending to be. However what it lacks in bells and whistles it makes up for with rustic charm.

Yoga Cave reviews from previous guests:

“I was a bit concerned prior to arriving as this room type features a common shower/bathroom area. Not to worry, however; facilities are nicely done, while the rooms are really fresh and cosy despite being rather small.”

“My yoga cave room was relatively small, but I really liked it - it was well decorated and fitted out, with lots of thoughtful details and storage that helped me put away all my belongings nicely. I didn't even mind using the communal showers and toilets as they were right around the corner.”

“The yoga cave had everything you needed and more.”

  • Healthy Brunch & Dinner

    Served buffet style and prepared by award-winning chefs. Scrumptious, healthy, fresh, and local, Life Cafe's cuisine is unparalleled.

    Brunch is served 9:30-11:30am and dinner is from 6:30-8:30pm

  • 2 Daily Yoga Classes

    Vinyasa/Yin/Restorative yoga in a yoga shala with beautiful, ocean views

  • Meditation & Pranayama

    Daily meditation and pranayama practices, either in the yoga shala or on the beach.

  • Yoga Props

    Yoga mat, block, cushion, strap, seat pad & bolster to use while at Vikasa.

  • Daily Journalling

    Each day we will carve out time to journal about a topic that calls to our hearts. This is completely optional (as is everything on the retreat!).

  • Evening Yoga Nidra    

       Guided yogic rest to send you into dreamy land, you just need to make to your bed at the end.

  • All evening activities offered by Vikasa teachers 

  • Transformation - You will not be the same person when it’s time to go home


  • Airfare

  • Airport transfer (can be arranged with Vikasa)

  • Additional Meals

  • Optional outings during free time 



Amber Knight  is the founder of The Beauty Of Yoga and shares creative vinyasa / yin / restorative / yoga nidra and mindfulness meditation. She has hosted numerous workshops and retreats in both Australia and Bali. 

Her classes are thoughtfully created and sequenced, offering a unique, yet beautiful and caring flow. Amber is passionate about creating a space for others to empower themselves through choice - drawing on inner strength and practicing acceptance of where they are.  She is deeply compassionate, teaches from the heart and lives her yoga off the mat. Through her everyday practice she is empathetic of where people are arriving from, the obstacles they may experience along the way, and their deep desire for freedom of suffering and increased joy. She is motivated to help other women embrace themselves wholeheartedly and put themselves and their desires forward unapologetically.

Amber has over 20 years of yoga experience and teaches in her studio, in Mount Beauty, Australia.

“Amber is amazing and leads such a beautiful practice!”

“I love The Beauty of Yoga; all that Amber brings, shares & teaches in each class is beautiful, reassuring & inspirational.”


07:00 – 09:00 – Daily Morning Practice

09:30 – 11:30 – Brunch

11.30 - 16.00 - Free Time: optional excursions, tours, spa treatments etc

16:00 – 18:00 – Daily Afternoon Practice

18:30 – 20:30 – Dinner

*Schedule is subject to variations



All prices are per person and including VAT, including all yoga classes, daily brunch and dinner and 7 nights accommodation.

Prices are excluding flights and excluding extra meals. All prices are per person

Yoga Cave (single occupancy) – $1395

Yoga Cave Plus (single occupancy) - $1395

Zen Bungalow (single occupancy) – $1595

Prana Cabana (queen - single occupancy) - $1595

*Please note rooms are subject to availability. Contact Amber claim your spot or to upgrade to any of the following accommodation options (if available when booking). 



Bridging the gap between a hotel room and an authentic Thai experience, our Yoga Caves are small but very comfortable rooms that offer sweeping views over the sea and rocks below. Relax on your comfy bed facing out over the ocean and take in one of the best panoramas on Koh Samui. Sleep, read or meditate in peace. Modest in terms of size but still to our high standards, the air-conditioned Yoga Caves offer a quiet, personal place to stay for individual travelers. The yoga caves do not have bathrooms en-suite. There is a large shared and public restroom and shower facility located just behind the block of Yoga Caves. The showers have hot water and shampoo provided. A bathrobe is provided in each, air con, mini fridge, electronic safe, free WiFi

Twin bed (single occupancy only)


The Zen Bungalows are perfectly named, being traditional huts built with local, natural materials. They provide an opportunity to leave contemporary hotels behind and feel yourself become totally at-one with Koh Samui’s natural surroundings, with the stunning views from our cliff -top location right outside your door. Private bathroom with hot water, air con, fan, mini fridge, electronic safe, free WiFi, garden view. A truly authentic experience.

Twin bed (single occupancy only)


The Prana Cabana Bungalows bring guests close to Nature while providing every convenience. The rooms are quite modest, rustic both inside and out, yet clean and comfortable they feature a queen-sized bed, and direct beach access. A private terrace allows you to take in one of Samui’s spectacular sunrises. Bungalows come with a simple interior bathroom with hot shower, AC, mini fridge, and a safety box.

Twin share or private lodging is available.

 Everyone NEEDS time to retreat. These week long stays always prove to be very popular and as numbers are limited to keep energy and connections positive, here’s how to

Secure Your Spot On Retreat

A deposit of $500 can be made to:

The Beauty of Yoga
BSB 083 945
ACC 33 168 4670


“Love Amber, love her passion and skill as a teacher. She has a unique, professional yet beautiful and caring flow.”

Cancellation Policy

No one books a retreat with the intention of later cancelling, so the policy is in place to help us work together, sharing expenses that may arise from unexpected cancellations.


Hold deposits are however transferable to another attendee found and assigned by the original attendee. I will also have a waiting list of willing guests to help you find someone.

Full balance due 60 days prior to the start date of retreat.

Cancellation requests submitted prior to the 60 days before the retreat date will be refunded minus admin fee & deposit.

Within 45 days of your retreat: sorry but no refunds given, no exceptions. I will most certainly do my best to help you fill your spot if necessary from the waiting list

If you have any other questions please email

“Amber is the most generous and kind hearted yogi. I am lucky to share yoga with her when proximity permits.”

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Yoga Bliss Out
5:00 PM17:00

Yoga Bliss Out

Be cocooned in sacred space within a beautiful dome surrounded by the open sky, stars above & sounds of nature as your soundtrack!

A Yoga Bliss Out evening is longer than a regular class to allow you to restore the body and soothe the mind.

We will explore a (very) gentle yoga practice followed by restorative yoga poses (think yummy bolsters & blankets) along with a guided yoga nidra to move you into a deep state of relaxation.

Finish the evening by sipping on sacred cacao, helping you to transition & prepare to depart the Dome.

Through connecting breath & movement, you will improve your flexibility, move stagnant energy and cultivate a mind-body connection that will deepen your sense of inner calm.

Think of it like getting a massage regularly…

 An evening of Yoga Bliss Out will help you re-set the nervous system and the harmonious state will often be felt for many days following.

An evening of Yoga Bliss Out will help to combat the physical and mental effects of everyday stress, and ease common ailments such as headaches, backaches, anxiety, and insomnia with the use of gentle, restful poses and calming, breathing techniques.

Absolutely no previous experience is required.  Yoga mats, blankets & bolsters are provided but feel free to BYO an extra cushion/eye pillow.

Please also bring along your own mug for cacao.

To secure your spot - your $55 investment is Self can be deposited to:

The Beauty Of Yoga

BSB 083 945

ACC 33 168 4670

and a confirmation with your name can then be sent to 0409 355 545

you will then be given the exact location in Chevallum

thank you x

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